Der November wird von einigen gemocht und von anderen absolut nicht! Vielleicht liegt es daran
das der Oktober oft uns viel Sonne schenkt und irgendwie alles noch fröhlich ist, ist im November sehr oft das gegenteil der Fall. Man stellt bewusst fest das es sehr früh dunkel wird , vieles noch zu erledigen ist bis zum Jahresende und der Monat geht einfach nicht zu ende...
Damit wir uns aber auch an solchen Tagen etwas aufmuntern können gibt es heute ein paar
Sätze die uns etwas aufmuntern können!
“But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.”
― Stephen King, 'Salem's Lot
― Stephen King, 'Salem's Lot
“At no other time (than autumn) does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell, the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way inferior to the smell of the sea, bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds. Containing depth within itself, darkness, something of the grave almost.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters on Cézanne
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters on Cézanne
“That country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars, sub-cellars, coal-bins, closets, attics, and pantries faced away from the sun. That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts. Whose people passing at night on the empty walks sound like rain.”
― Ray Bradbury
― Ray Bradbury
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shirt levis
Love it!
You look gorgeous girl! :)
ReplyDeleteIsa M., Tic Tac Living
Your eyes are so expressive. Lovely blog <3
awesome style jenny